All About Throwing Knives
There are multiple types of knives, and each are designed with different purposes in mind. Some are crafted for aesthetics, others are better for hunting and survival situations, and some can be used to hone specific skills like knife throwing. This unique hobby has been around for centuries and using properly-balanced and well-made throwing knives is important for practicing this technique.
Here's more information about knife throwing and the tools used for it:
The Origin of Knife Throwing
Knife throwing dates far back in human history to when throwing sticks were used to hunt. Variations of throwing sticks existed in many different cultures and this is considered one of the first weapons used by man. Tutankhamun used a throwing stick in the 1300s B.C. and Aborigines in Australia used boomerangs for hunting, which worked using a similar principle.
Throwing sticks evolved into throwing knives once metallurgy was developed and grew in popularity. Japanese samurai warriors carried shurikens, which could be in a round shape or a long shape that resembles modern throwing knives. These were not primary weapons, but would be used as distractions or thrown at an enemy's face in an attempt to blind them.
Knife throwing as a sport grew in popularity in the 1800s. These competitions allowed individuals to compete to see who was more accurate, and they continue to this day through many different organizations.
What Makes Throwing Knives Different?
Not every knife can be thrown effectively. Throwing knives are balanced specifically to make it easier to throw them accurately. The center of gravity is typically in the middle of the knife, although blade-heavy and handle-heavy throwing knives may be used for different purposes. Additionally, throwing knives are sharpest at the end since this is where they make contact with the target. The edge is dull, although the front portion of the blade is still sharp to allow for proper penetration of the target.
Basic Knife Throwing Technique
In order to improve your knife throwing, you'll need to practice regularly. Be sure to do this in a safe environment where you know people or pets won't pass between you and your target.
The hammer grip is the most beginner-friendly knife-throwing grip. As the name implies, you should hold the knife like you would hold a hammer, with the fingers of your dominant hand wrapped around the handle and your thumb touching the top.
You should stand about 10 feet away from your target with your non-dominant foot forward. Your feet should form a 45-degree angle and your shoulders should be square with the target. Bend your knees slightly to stabilize your stance.
When you're ready to throw, point your non-dominant hand at the target as though you are aiming. Then, bring the knife in your dominant hand straight back above your head, bring it back down in a chopping motion, and let it go. Knowing when to release is often the trickiest part, but this gets easier with practice.
High-Quality Throwing Knives
At, we have a selection of high-quality throwing knives available for purchase. We also have other martial arts weapons and other varieties of knives you can browse online.